Sumo Deadlifts, 15 min to achieve a 10 rep max TnG Sumo Deadlift
6min AMRAP:
600m Run/Row or 1.5k Bike
9 Deadlifts 275/185lbs RX+315/215 MRX 205/135
12 Toes to Bar
Rest 3min
6min AMRAP:
600m Run/Row or 1.5k Bike
9 Sumo Deadlifts
12 WallBall Sit-Ups 20/14lbs MRX 20/10lbs
Core & Grip Development
100m KettleBell/Dumbbell Farmers Carry
2×12 KettleBell Bottoms Up Curls
2×12 Evil Wheels
100m Plate Pinch Carry
2×12 Plate Pinch Curls
2×12 Reverse Rower Tucks

Traditional deadlift:
2+13 & 2+1 scaled to traditional deadlifts (row)
A. 315
B1. 2 + 16 rx
B2. 2 + 10 rx
Rx run
A. 315
B. 2+9 | 2+19 Rx
a little bit of rain ain’t gonna stop Jim! keep grinding dude!
345(10) sumo
2+14 rx run
2+6 rx run
5×5 Traditional
295, 315, 375, 375, 375
A. 3+ 6 RX+ ( Bike )
B. 1+ 17 Scaled ( Bike )
Scaled to traditional and
GHDs with 20lb WB
Jim is a great friend in and out of the gym!! Always throws down hard, even in the rain.
295 (10)
2+16 rx bike
2+7 rx bike
2+7 Rx+ run
2+9 Rx+ run
A. 405#
B. 3+1 rx+ run
2+13 rx+ run
Jim! Weathering the storm and burning up the pavement. Jim shows up consistently, pushes himself to the fullest, and always has a great attitude. Can’t ask for much more than that! He’s made big gains in his strength, skills and overall fitness since joining, and he continues to impress and motivate those around him. Jim is as friendly as can be and just a super nice person, and we are certainly lucky to have him at CFHSV!
A. 275
B. 3+2 RX+ row / 3+3 RX+ row
4+3, 4 rx run
3+9 / 3+9 Rx+ run
A: training
B1: 4+3 rx
B2: 4 rx
A. 315
B. 3+9 / 3+10 RX+ (run)