Back Squat Build Up E3MOM
5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5
6min AMRAP:
18 WallBall Shots 20/14lbs to 10/9’ MRX 20/10 to 9’
18 WallBall Sit-Ups
REST 3min
6min AMRAP:
9 Back Squats 95/65 RX+115/75 MRX 75/55
9 Toes to Bar
*Athletes choice on Which AMRAP to start with*
Core & Squat Development
24 WallBall or KettleBell Russian Twists
1min Wall Iron Chair Sit Holding 25/15lb plate
24 Hip Extensions
1min Overhead Weight Plate Squat Hold
24 Good Mornings (barbell or banded)
1min Low Plank Hold
A. 185-205-225-245-275
B1. 3+12 rx
B2. 4+9 rx (first)
C. 🎒
A. 135 – 205 – 255 – 295 – 315
at home/garage gym
4+5 & 6+13 rx (2nd amrap first)
A. Back Squat: 5×5: 185-225-275-315-365
B. 2 Rx / 3 Rx+
A. 135 – 185 – 215 – 245 – 275
B. 3 + 20 / 6 rx+
A. 185-225-275-315-365
B. 4+19 / 6 rx+
I see what you did there 😉, strong work Griff 💪🏼💪🏼👊🏼
A. 175-205-225-255-265(PR)
B. 4+18 / 7+9 RX+
3+21 rx
5+5 rx+
(2nd amrap 1st)
A. 205-255-315-345-375(4 and a little)
B. 4+15 / 8+5 RX+
A. 235 (4@245)
B. 2+32 Rx / 4 Rx
Lower back fried from them snatches yesterday, but seeing Dylan roll around in the gym gave me some fuel. Someone needs to get him a horn for that thing. Or a lady. Or both. Miss you Dylan 😢
Miss you too buddy, glad I could support. You can watch me roll around anytime. Way to put up some solid numbers, that hair tie must have mystical powers 💪🎀