WOD: A. Hang Power Clean: Build up for a 20RM 10 – 5 – 2 – 1 – 20RM attempt E2:30MOM B. For Time: 200m run 1 rope climb 15′ RX+ 15′ legless or 20′ with legs 5 ground to overhead 135/95 RX+ 165/115 (55 and over 95/65) 400m run 2 rope climbs 15′ RX+ 15′ legless or 20′ with legs 10 ground to overhead 135/95 RX+ 165/115 (55 and over 95/65) 800m run 3 rope climbs 15′ RX+ 15′ legless or 20′ with legs 15 ground to overhead 135/95 RX+ 165/115 (55 and over 95/65) Friday Night FIGHT WOD!Build Up, Break Down This workout is 3 rounds, each lasting 3 minutes, with 1 minute rest between each round. In this workout, you move through each station, accumulating as many reps as possible of each in 1 minute. The clock will not reset between movements. On the call of “rotate”, athletes must immediately move to the next station for the best score. One point is given for each rep. Your score is the total points accumulated. BLACK Round 1: chin over bar pull-ups, over the bar burpees, cleans 135/95 Round 2: chest to bar pull-ups, over the bar burpees, cleans 185/125 Round 3: bar muscle-ups, over the bar burpees, cleans 225/155 BLUE Round 1: Russian KBS 24kg/16kg, over the bar burpees, cleans 95/65 Round 2: American KBS 24kg/16kg, over the bar burpees, cleans 115/80 Round 3: Goblet squats 24kg/16kg, over the bar burpees, cleans 135/95 RED (Masters 55+) Round 1: Russian KBS 20kg/12kg, over the bar burpees, cleans 75/55 Round 2: American KBS 20kg/12kg, over the bar burpees, cleans 95/65 Round 3: Goblet squats 20kg/12kg, over the bar burpees, cleans 115/80 Sign up on MBO to reserve your spot! This will be OPEN style, so athletes will be responsible for warming up on their own. We will brief the WOD at 515pm and give heat assignments. Reminder that the 515pm and 615pm regular classes are canceled.Come FIGHT it out CFHSV!