TEAM WOD: In 2 athlete teams: The team must complete the following exercises and reps in order of: 60 cleans 95/65 60 shoulder to overhead 95/65 60 pull-ups 60 WBS 20/14 10’/9′ 60 KBS 24kg/16kg 60 burpees “One athlete must hold the plank position, while the other athlete completes reps. Athletes can divide reps as they would like. REMINDER: Open Gym now Monday through Thursday, 1pm-3pm. Free to Gold Members, Bronze and Silver can attend and pay a drop in fee. Due to the threat of severe weather, CFHSV 415pm, 515pm, 615pm and Yoga will be canceled along with childcare. We apologize for the inconvenience, but the safety of our athletes is our number one priority. Stay safe and weather aware!