WOD: A. Deadlift: 10 – 6 – 4/5 – 4/5 – 10 E2:30MOM B. Complete the following for time of: 50 toes to bar 250 double unders 50 deadlifts 135/95 RX+ 185/125 (55 and over 95/65) *catch* every minute on the minute perform 5 WBS 20/14 10’/9′ (55 and over 20/10 9′) FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHT WOD! “Come Back Home” by DB Complete the following for time with a 15 minute cut off:
BLACK: BLUE: RED Masters 55+:
11 OHS 115/80 10 back squats 95/65 9 back squats 75/55 11 over the bar burpees 10 over the bar burpees 9 over the bar burpees 11 thrusters 115/80 10 thrusters 96/65 9 thrusters 75/55 11 HSPU 10 hand release push-ups 9 hand release push-ups 11 power cleans 115/80 10 power cleans 95/65 9 power cleans 75/55 11 over the bar burpees 10 over the bar burpees 9 over the bar burpees 11 pull-ups… then, 10 jumping pull-ups (wrist folds at bar) 9 jumping pull-ups 11 pull-ups 10 jumping pull-ups (wrist folds at bar) 9 jumping pull-ups 11 over the bar burpees 10 over the bar burpees 9 over the bar burpees 11 power cleans 115/80 10 power cleans 95/65 9 power cleans 75/55 11 HSPU 10 hand release push-ups 9 hand release push-ups 11 thrusters 115/80 10 thrusters 96/65 9 thrusters 75/55 11 over the bar burpees 10 over the bar burpees 9 over the bar burpees 11 OHS 115/80 10 back squats 95/65 9 back squats 75/55 Sign up on MBO to reserve your spot! This will be OPEN style, so athletes will be responsible for warming up on their own. We will brief the WOD at 515pm and give heat assignments. Reminder that the 515pm and 615pm regular classes are canceled. Come FIGHT it out CFHSV!