Warm-up: 5 minutes of practice on the double-under followed by 5 minutes of the following: 5 wall balls, 5 ring rows, 5 kipping swings. Workout:5 Rounds:
20 Unbroken Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
Rest 20 seconds
25 Unbroken Wall balls 20/14#
Rest 20 seconds
30 Unbroken Double-unders
Rest 5 minutes between rounds
(Every set you go unbroken you recieve 5 pts; Every set you break you lose 10 pts)
Post total score to comments Cool-down: Spend 5 minutes with a foam roller to the lats and quads! “Peter Egyed the Coach: Part 2”, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov] “This Is Sick” from the 2011 Reebok CrossFit Games – video [wmv] [mov] The Brain: Malleable, Capable, Vulnerable