Team WOD #1 (In Teams of 2-3) 2min AMRAP: Partner A – Max Cal Row / Assault Bike Partner B – Max DB Snatches (alt) 50/35lbs Rest 1min Switch and Repeat Team WOD #2 2min AMRAP: Partner A – Max Calorie Row / Assault Bike Partner B – Max Burpee Toes to Bar Rest 1min Switch and Repeat Team WOD #3 14min AMRAP:
6 Toes to Bar Partner A (B hang from bar) 6 Toes to Bar Partner B (A hang from bar)
8 Barbell Cleans in Unison 10 Calorie Row (Partner A) 10 Over the Bar Burpees (Partner B) 10 Calorie Row (Partner B) 10 Over the Bar Burpees (Partner A) 12 Partner Passing Wallball Sit-ups 20lbs MRX 14lbs BB Loads = 115/75 RX+ 135/95 MRX 95/65