Roxanne Song Warm-up
Every-time they say Roxanne perform a burpee.
Team WOD
6 Rounds For Time: (24min cap)
P1 & P2 – 6 Synchronized Shoulder to Overhead or Handstand Push-Ups
P1 & P2 – 6 Alternating Over the Bar Burpees
P1 & P2- 9 Synchronized Front Squats
P1 & P2 – 6 Alternating Over the Bar Burpees
P1 & P2 – 12 Synchronized Wallball Shots
P1 & P2 – 6 Alternating Over the Bar Burpees
Rest 1min after Each Round
Barbell Weights = 95/65lbs RX+135/95 MRX 75/55lbs
Wallball Shots 20/14 to 10′ MRX 20/10 to 9′
Core Development
2×12 Windshield Wiper on Bar or lying on floor
2×24 Flutter Kicks (single count)
2×12 Hip Extensions
2×12 Reverse Hypers
2×12 Hollow Rocks
2×12 Superman Arches
19:12 w/ Matrice. rx, rx+ in that order
A. Roxanne completed
B. 4 rounds Rx+
Austin working hard, and all with a smile! This guy is always positive and it’s been great having him and his awesome family at CFHSV. Austin has made some big gains and it’s fun to watch him to continue to grow as an athlete. Keep it up, stud!!
21:24 RX+ with Daniel N