Sumo Deadlifts E3MOM
7@75% – 5@80% – 3@85% 1@90% – Max Reps@85%
16min AMRAP
16 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull
200m Run
8 Left Leg and Left Arm Kettlebell Deadlifts
4 Sumo Deadlifts
8 Right Leg and Right Arm Kettlebell Deadlifts
2 Rope Climb 15′ MRX 2×10’ or 1×15
Barbell = 275/185 RX+315/215 MRX 205/135
Kettlebell = 24/16kgs RX+ 32/24 MRX 20/12kgs
Core Development
16 Reverse Rower Tucks
16 Banded or Barbell Good Mornings
16 Russian twists
32 Double KB 1 Leg Romanian Deadlifts (16ea)
32 Russian Twists
1min Bar Hang
**CrossFit Kids is canceled today**
CONGRATULATIONS to our CFHSV Masters Athletes who qualified for the next stage of the CrossFit Games season, the Age Group Online Qualifier. These athletes’ Open performances ranked them in the top 10% worldwide in their respective age divisions.
Misty Capps (40-44)
Mandee Stearns (40-44)
Mac McCraw (40-44)
Nathaniel Stearns (40-44)
Justin Waldon ((40-44)
Brian Adkins (45-49)
Carolyn Derting (50-54)
LJ Ray (50-54)
Bill Carter (50-54)
Tim Sargeant (50-54)
Chris Holladay (55-59)
Wilma Jackson (60-64)
Patty Miller (65+)
Jada Leo (65+)
The AGOQ starts Thursday at 2PM with the release of the events. Athletes will be conducting the WODs starting Thursday afternoon through Sunday morning. Feel free to come cheer on your fellow CFHSV athletes as they compete against the best in our sport! Good Luck CFHSV!