For Total Reps: 0:00 – 5:00 = 800m Run to Max BB Sumo Deadlift High Pull 95/65 RX+ 115/75 MRX 75/55 or KB SDHP 5:00 – 7:00 = Rest 7:00 – 12:00 = 800m Run to Max HSPU or Max Handstand Walk (5′ =1rep) or Wall Walks 12:00 – 14:00 = Rest 14:00 – 19:00 = 800m Run to Max Hang Power Snatch or KBS Snatch (alt arms as needed) 24/16kgs RX+ 32/24 MRX 20/12 19:00 – 21:00 = Rest 21:00 – 24:00 = 400m Run to Max Sumo Deadlift High Pull 24:00 – 26:00 = Rest 26:00 – 29:00 = 400m Run to Max HSPU or Max Handstand Walk (5′ =1rep) or Wall Walks 29:00 – 31:00 = Rest 31:00 – 34:00 = 400m Run to Max Hang Power Snatch or KBS Snatch (alt arms as needed) Core Development 10 Turkish Get-Ups Each Arm BB, DB or KB 20 Parallette Shoot Throughs to Push-up
Tune into tonight at 7PM for the live announcement of 18.5!