WOD: A. 800m run for PR approximately 3-5 minutes transition… B. For time: 75 double unders 25 hang power snatch 95/65 RX+ 135/95 (55 and over 75/55) 75 double unders 25 hang power cleans 95/65 R+ 135/95 (55 and over 75/55) 75 double unders 25 shoulder to overhead 95/65 RX+ 135/95 (55 and over 75/55) 75 double unders REMINDER: Clean Workshop THIS SATURDAY, June 20 at 11am. Counts as a regular visit for Silver and Gold athletes, $15 for Bronze athletes. Sign up on MBO today! Mason Dixon Paleo Prepared Meals! Check out next week’s menu! Meals Master Spreadsheet – 6-25-15 Click here to place an order. If you are ordering both male and female portions, please list each on a separate line.