“Teammate Terrible Twos” by DB
2min AMRAP: (1st min P1 Works; 2nd min P2 works)
Barbell Burpee to Deadlift 185/125 RX+225/155 MRX 155/105
2min AMRAP: (1min P1; 2min P2)
Air Squat Box Jumps 24/20 RX+ 30/24 MRX 20/18
2min AMRAP: (1min P1; 2min P2)
Burpee to Toes to Bar
2min AMRAP: (1min P1; 2min P2)
Kettlebell Swings 24/20kgs RX+ 30/24 MRX 20/12
2min AMRAP: (1min P1; 2min P2)
Row or Assault Bike for Calories
REST 2min
**REPEAT all above one more time for Total MAX Reps**
The AMRAPS are one straight after another until complete for the 2min Rest
YOGA is canceled tonight.
The first WOD of the CrossFit OPEN is released TODAY!!
Tune into games.crossfit.com at 7PM for the live announcement!!
Click here to get signed up today and choose CrossFit Huntsville as your affiliate!