Bench Press E3MOM 10 – 10 – 10 – Max Reps – Max Reps Team WOD 15min AMRAP: 10 Deadlift (Partner 1) – Deadlift Hold (Partner 2) 5 Synchronized Bar Facing Burpees 10 Deadlifts (Partner 2) – Deadlift Hold (Partner 1) 5 Synchronized Barbell Push-Ups 10 WallBalls (Partner 1) – WallBall Goblet Hold (Partner 2) 10 WallBalls (Partner 2) – WallBall Goblet Hold (Partner 1) 20 Partner Passing WallBall Sit-Ups (use one WallBall 20/14/10lbs) Deadlifts = 205/135 RX+ 255/175 MRX 165/115 WallBalls = 20/14lbs to 10/9′ RX+ 11/10′ MRX20/10 to 9′