Deadlift Build Up E3MOM
5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5
CrossFit Games WOD 2008
5 Rounds For Time: (10min cap)
5 Deadlifts 275/185 MRX 225/155
10 Burpees (jump, open hips, clap Overhead)
*compare your time to the original CrossFit Games Athletes* *compare to 28 Aug 22; 16 Aug 2019*
Core & Grip Development
3×10 Finger Tip Push-ups
3×10 Dumbbell/Kettlebell Curls
3×10 Strict Feet/Heel Clap Over the Bar
3×10 Plate Pinch Curls
3x100m Dumbbell/Kettlebell Farmers Carry
A. 225-275-295-315-345
B. 5:08 rx
C. 📚
A. 105-110-135-160
B. MRx – 8:48
C. Completed for the most part :-).
A. Deadlift 5×5: 135c5, 225×5, 315×5, 405×5
B. 6:22 Rx
A: E2:30MOM – 255(12)x3-275(12)x2
B: 3:17, RX
C: BenchPress, E2:30MOM – 135(10)-145(10)-135(10)x3