Sumo-Deadlift E3MOM 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 1min AMRAP: 10 Over Bar Burpee to Max Sumo Deadlifts Rest 2min 1min AMRAP: 10 Sumo Deadlifts to Max Over Bar Burpees Rest 2min 8min AMRAP: 4 Left Leg Deadlifts 8 Barbell Push-ups 4 Right Leg Deadlifts 12 V-Ups Barbell Loads 115/75 RX+ 155/105 MRX 95/65 Core Development 25 Hip Extensions 25 Barbell Sit-Up to Press 25 Barbell or Banded Good Mornings
YOGA IS CANCELED TODAY. Free Olympic Lifting Open Gym! This Saturday, August 25th 11am-12:30pm. Coaches will be available to provide feedback, guidance and one on one coaching!