WOD: A. Back Squat: Build up for a 20RM 10 – 5 – 2 – 1 – 20RM attempt E2:30MOM B. For Time: Run 200m OR Row 250m 5 burpee over the box jumps 24″/20″ RX+ 30″/24″ (55 and over 20″/18″) 10 KBS 24kg/16kg RX+ 32kg/24kg (55 and over 20kg/12kg) Row 250m OR Run 200m (opposite of last) 5 burpee over the box jumps 24″/20″ RX+ 30″/24″ (55 and over 20″/18″) 10 KBS 24kg/16kg RX+ 32kg/24kg (55 and over 20kg/12kg) Run 400m OR Row 500m (opposite of last) 10 burpee over the box jumps 24″/20″ RX+ 30″/24″ (55 and over 20″/18″) 15 KBS 24kg/16kg RX+ 32kg/24kg (55 and over 20kg/12kg) Row 500m OR Run 400m (opposite of last) 10 burpee over the box jumps 24″/20″ RX+ 30″/24″ (55 and over 20″/18″) 15 KBS 24kg/16kg RX+ 32kg/24kg (55 and over 20kg/12kg) Check out Mason Dixon’s menu for next week! 8-17 To place an order, click here. Orders due by noon on Friday. Friday Night FIGHT! This Friday, August 14th at 515pm. Sign up on MBO to reserve your spot! The regular 515pm and 615pm classes are canceled Friday.