WOD: A. Weighted Pull-Ups
3 Weighted Pull-Ups — EMOM x 4 min –rest 2 min and add weight– 2 Weighted Pull-Ups — EMOM x 4min –rest 2 min and remove weight– 1min Max Reps Strict Pull-ups If no weighted pull-up, work strict pull-ups or progressions (tough ring rows, tough band) B. 8min AMRAP 5 Strict Pull-Ups RX+ 5 L-Sit Pull-Ups (MRX 5 Pull-Ups) 15 Anchored Ab-Mat Sit-Ups RX+ 15 GHD Sit-Ups 10 Ball Slams with Wallball 20/14 MRX 20/10 (Catch on Bounce) C. Core & Grip Development 1min Pull-Up Hang Position L-Sit Hold 200m Plate Pinch Grip Carry — straight to — 200m KB or DB Farmers Carry Heavy