WOD: A. Hang Squat Clean 2-2-2-2 E2:30MOM B. Sprint WOD: 3 minute AMRAP of: 250m row max reps hang squat clean thruster 95/65 (55 and over 75/55) rest 3 minutes repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 Score = total reps from all 3 AMRAPs
WOD: A. Hang Squat Clean 2-2-2-2 E2:30MOM B. Sprint WOD: 3 minute AMRAP of: 250m row max reps hang squat clean thruster 95/65 (55 and over 75/55) rest 3 minutes repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 Score = total reps from all 3 AMRAPs