Warm-up: Agility ladder drills followed by max height box jump Workout: A: Split Jerk – work up to a 1RM. Rest as needed between efforts B: Dumbbell split squats 3 x 15 @ 30×0; Rest 1:00 between legs C: Toes to bar 5 x 10; Rest 1 minute “CrossFit Rowing Trainer Course: Technique” with Angela Hart, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov] WOD Demo with Josh Everett and Jason Salyer – video [wmv] [mov] WOD Demo with CrossFit Costa Mesa – video [wmv] [mov] Spencer Hendel and Austin Malleolo on today’s WOD – video [wmv] [mov] QOD: If CFHSV were to conduct a mini-competition once out of the month on Saturday’s would this interest you? Winner’s may win a free t-shirt, yoga class, etc..