5 minutes of calisthenic, footwork, and agility drills. Then, practice the clean and jerk with Dumbells of varying weight.
Split into two separate teams, each team pulls for 20 seconds, then immediately drops the rope, sprints into the gym, and executes the following:
10 lateral burpees (jump over a parallette)
10 Dumbell C&J with 35 pound Dumbells
As soon as an athlete is finished, he or she may run back to the rope and take position. The first team to have every member touching the rope may re-initiate pulling. As soon as all members of both teams are back (assuming no winner yet) another 20 second clock is started and the entire process repeats. Whoever loses the tug of war loses the match.
Play for 20 minutes or until someone cries “Uncle”
Finish out the day with a max-effort dead-hang for time on the pull-up bar.
Post experience to comments.
Here are the details on our very first cooking workshop, being held Saturday the 15th of this month!
Awesome Video Explaining the upcoming programming for our gym for the next 3 days by Tony Budding – video [wmv] [mov]