Benchmark WOD
3 Rounds For Time:(20min cap)
500m Row or 1.2k Bike
12 Deadlifts Body Weight / 75% Body Weight
21 Box Jumps/Step-ups 24/20″ MRX 20/18”
Core Development
21 Barbell Good Mornings
15 WallBall/Kettlebell Russian Twists
21 Kettlebell Goblet Hold Good Mornings
15 WallBall/Kettlebell Russian Twists
21 Hip Extensions
15:25 Rx @ 240
This was during Quarterfinals. She just learned RMU. She had enough resolve to keep attempting RMU’s even though her shoulders were well past gone from the wod. I’m proud of her attitude during this event. She never gave up.
Rx: 16:17 @ 130#s – Rowing…ugh :-).