Run/Row 200m or 0.5k Bike x 12min E3MOM
(score is slowest time of the 4)
Benchmark WOD
20min AMRAP:
Run 400meters
Max Rep Pull-Ups (once you come off the bar you have to run 400m)
*Score is total Pull-ups completed in 20min
Core & Guns Development
2×10 Skin the Cats
2×10 Dumbbell Curls to Press
2×10 Reverse Rower Tucks
2×10 Dumbbell Hammer Curls
2×10 Hip Extensions
2×10 Plate Pinch Curls
1 mile run
50 burpees to a plate
800m run
25 burpees to a plate
400m run
15 burpees to a plate
Gang gang!
114 scaled to alt rounds of pull-ups and T2B
Pull-ups: 30-25-9
T2B: 30-20
A. :38 bike
B. 72 pull-ups Rx (20-15-15-10-12)
Bike (:42-:38-:36-:33)
193 Rx PR (57-36-29-24-21-26)
185 Rx (56-34-25-26-21-23)
Setting a new standard! Good work big dawg! 💪🏼
170 scaled to 1k bike and alternating pull-ups and pushups 30-40-20-30-20-30
A. :36 Row
B. 100 Scaled
Scaled to 4 RFT:
25 Echo Bike Cals
25 Unbroken C2B
Time: 14:33