3 Rounds For Time: (25min cap)
800m Run, Row or 2km Bike
9 Muscle Ups (Ring or Bar) MRX Chest to Bar
9 Ball Facing Burpees
18 Wallball Shots 20/14lbs to 10’ MRX 20/10 to 9’
Core & Grip Development
1min High Plank Finger Tip Hold
18 reps DB/KB Curls straight to
100m DB/KB Farmer’s Carry to
Max DB/KB Curls
1min Hip Extension Hold
18 Weight Plate Ground to Overhead
18 Weight Plate Bench Press
18 GHD Sit-ups
18 Hip Extensions
5 rounds of:
12 Plate G2O 45/35
200m sprint
rest 30 seconds between rounds and after last round, then:
1 mile run
rest 2 minutes, then:
5 rounds of:
12 Plate G2O 45/35
200m sprint
rest 30 seconds between rounds