WOD: #1 In 3 minutes row 300m then complete with the remaining time as many power snatches at 95/65 or 115/80 rest 3 minutes #2 In 3 minutes row 300m then complete with the remaining time as many overhead squats at 95/65 or 115/80 rest 3 minutes #3 In 3 minutes row 300m then complete with the remaining time as many squat cleans at 95/65 or 115/80 rest 3 minutes #4 In 3 minutes row 300m then complete with the remaining time as many shoulder to overhead at 95/65 or 115/80 rest 3 minutes #5 In 3 minutes row 300m then complete with the remaining time as many barbell push-ups or regular push-ups SCORE = total number of reps completed after rows CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: 10K time trial meet at Randolph track at 8am