WOD: A. Snatch Prep: 1 Power Snatch to 1 OHS to 1 Squat Snatch EMOM x 6 minutes rest 2 minutes 10 minutes to build up to a 1RM Squat Snatch B. 9 minute AMRAP of: 3 squat snatch 95/65 RX+ 135/95 (55 and over 75/55) 6 over the phone bar burpees 9 pull-ups RX+ 9 strict pull-ups 36 double unders rest 2 minutes, then “FINISHER” 2 minutes max reps burpee pull-ups or 3 minutes max reps burpee muscle-ups (ring) CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: For constant movement at approximately 85%… Run 1:00, rest :30 for 5 rounds Run 2:00, rest 1:00 for 3 rounds Run 4:00 Accumulate: 60 Military sit-ups or GHD sit-ups 60 ball slams 30 broad jumps meet at CFHSV at 8amREMINDER: Barbell Club is CANCELED this weekend.Good Luck to all our CFHSV athletes competing in War of the WODs and in the Nashville Weightlifting Open!