Run/Row 400m or Bike 1K E4MOM x 8min
(score is the combined time of the 2)
3 Rounds For Time: (35min cap)
30 Squat Cleans 95/65lbs MRX 75/55lbs
30 Pull-ups MRX Ring Rows
800m Run
In honor of Navy Chief Petty Officer Mark Carter, 27, of Virginia Beach, VA who was killed in Iraq 11 December 2007. First posted 19 December 2007
Core & Guns Development
2×15 Barbell Curls
2×15 Hip Extension to Glute Ham Raise
2×15 Dumbbell Hammer Curls
2×15 GHD Sit-ups
2×15 Plate Pinch Curls
5 rounds of:
200m run, rest 30 seconds
400m hard run/sprint
40 plate jumps
200m recovery walk (with or without plate)
rest 30 seconds rest
3:10 Run
23:16 Rx (PR)
2022: 24:46 Rx
22:21 RX
2020- 23:51
A. 2:52 row
B. 27:05 rx
3:18 Bike
24:47 Scaled Row
2023: 28:51 Scaled Assault Runner
3:03 run
26:55 RX
2020 30:46
2:50 bike
22:19 Rx