WOD: A. EMOM x 12 minutes: 1st minute: 14/12 calorie row (MRX 12/10 calorie row) 2nd minute: 15 KBS as heavy as possible 3rd minute: 30 second handstand hold B. Time Priority Diane For Reps: 60 seconds of deadlifts 225/155 (MRX 185/115) 60 seconds of HSPU (MRX 2″/4″ rise) 45 seconds of deadlifts 225/155 (MRX 185/115) 45 seconds of HSPU (MRX 2″/4″ rise) 30 seconds of deadlifts 225/155 (MRX 185/115) 30 seconds of HSPU (MRX 2″/4″ rise) 15 seconds of deadlifts 225/155 (MRX 185/115) 15 seconds of HSPU (MRX 2″/4″ rise) Score = Total reps of deadlifts, HSPUs and combined score CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD:
800m Run – Rest 2:00
2 x 200m Sprints – Rest 1:00 B/W Efforts
600m Run – Rest 2:00
4 x Alt. 100m/50m Sprints – Rest 0:45 B/W Efforts
400m Run – Rest 2:00 6 x 50m Sprints – Rest 0:30 B/W Efforts Workout Details: The runs are conducted at ~80% of maximum effort, something you can maintain for an extended period of time. The sprints are to be all-out, 100% efforts.