WOD: “The Feast of Saint Patrick”by DB For Time: 800m Gaelic Get Away Run 17 Green Goblet Squats 24/16kg RX+ 32/24kg (MRX 20/12kg) 17 Irish KB Swings (1 Russian Swing + 1 American Swing = 1 rep) 1000m Isle of Man Row 17 GHD Shamrock Sit-ups (MRX ab-mat sit-ups) 17 St. Patrick Power Snatches 95/65 RX+ 115/80 (MRX 75/55) 80 Dublin Double Unders 17 Pull-Ups For St. Patrick RX+ Chest to Bar 17 Romano-British Back Squat Thrusters 95/65 RX+ 115/80 (MRX 75/55) 400m Shannon Sprint 17 Black & Tan Box Jumps 24″/20″ RX+ 30″/24” (MRX step-ups Okay) 17 Guiness Ground to Overhead 95/65 RX+ 115/80 (MRX 75/55) CFHSV Running and Endurance E6:00 for 36:00 50m Sled Push 200m Run 50m Sled Push REMINDER: We will be hosting The OPEN today at 1PM! Childcare WILL be available starting at 1230PM.Barbell Club is canceled.