Saturday, March 10 2018

12 min to Achieve a 1RM Weighted Pull-up and a 1RM Weighted Dip 2min AMRAP: Run or Row 200m or A Bike 0.5km 10 HSPU Max Thrusters 95/65 RX+ 115/75 MRX 75/55 Rest 2 min 2min AMRAP: Run or Row 200m or A Bike 0.5km 10 Toes to Bar Max Reps Hang Power Snatch Rest 2 min 2min AMRAP: Run or Row 200m or A Bike 0.5km 10 Pull-Ups RX+ C2B Max Reps Hang Squat Cleans Rest 2 min Repeat All Above 1 more time for a total of 2 rounds Athletes can pick any order they want to perform the 2min AMRAPs

CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: For Time: 1200m Run, rest 3 minutes 400m x 3, rest 1 minute between efforts 800m Run, rest 3 minutes 200m x 4, rest 1 minute between efforts 400m Run, rest 3 minutes 100m x 4, rest 1 minute between efforts

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