WOD 1 – 0:00 – 5:00 5min AMRAP: -5 Power Snatch 135/95 MRX 95/65 -10 Pull-Ups -15 Wallballs 20/14lbs 1 0/9′ MRX 20/10 9′ Score 1 is total rounds + reps WOD 2 – 5:00 – 12:00 7min to establish a Max Weight of the following Complex: -1 Power or Squat Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Snatch Balance + 1 OHS Score 2 is max complex weight successfully lifted WOD 3 -starts at – 12:00 3 Rounds For Time Of: -15 Deadlifts 205/140lbs MRX 185/125 -400m Run -15 HSPU MRX 2/4″ rise or HRPU Score 3 is time to complete WOD *Same barbell used for all WODs with athlete only changing weights* CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: 4 Rounds Of: 4 x 400m Run, rest 40 seconds between efforts Rest 4 Minutes Between Each Round Courtesy of Chris Hinshaw, Aerobic Capacity Click here to sign up for Catered Fit! Delivered daily to CFHSV! Once you sign up, you will receive the menu via email weekly.