WOD: A. In 10 minutes, work up to a 1RM power snatch B. In 10 minutes, work up to a 1RM squat clean & jerk C. “Power Isabel” with a 4 minute time cap: 30 reps power snatch 135/95, or max reps in 4 minutes rest 3 minutes “Squat Grace” with a 4 minute time cap: 30 reps squat clean & jerk 135/95, or max reps in 4 minutes Score = total reps from both AMRAPs CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: 90 second plank hold, then run 2 miles 10 mountain climber push ups rest 5 minutes from time run is complete run 1 mile 10 burpees 60 second plank hold run 1mile meet at Cross Country Course at 8amBBOLC is scheduled today. Snatch Saturday!