Overhead Squats for 1RM E2:30MOM
9 – 7 – 4/5 – 1/3 – 1 – 1
13min Ascending AMRAP:
3 Overhead Squats 95/65 RX+ 115/75 MRX 75/55
5 Box Jumps 24/20″ RX+ 30/24 MRX 20/18″
3 Handstand Push-Ups or 3 Push Press
5 Box Jumps
4 Overhead Squats
5 Box Jumps
4 Handstand Push-Ups or 4 Push Press
5 Box Jumps
5 Overhead Squats 95/65 RX+ 115/75 MRX 75/55
5 Box Jumps
5 Handstand Push-Ups or 5 Push Press
5 Box Jumps
6 Overhead Squats, 5 Box Jumps, 6 HSPU, 5 Box J….
*continue pattern, increasing 1 rep each round on OHS and HSPU, BJs are always 5 reps*
CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD:
5 x 400m run repeats, rest 2 minutes between efforts
rest 5 minutes
5 x 500m row repeats, rest 2 minutes between efforts
*athletes can start with runs or rows*
Don’t forget to sign up for R&E!