Cluster Build Up E2:30MOM
6 Sets/Attempts:
2 Power Cleans to 2 Front Rack Lunges (alt legs) to 2 Shoulder to Overhead
15min AMRAP:
72 Double Unders or 200m Run/Row or 0.5km Assault Bike (can mix up)
9 Power Cleans 95/65 RX+ 115/75 MRX 75/55
8 Front Rack Lunges (stationary alt legs)
7 Shoulder to Overhead
Core, Shoulder & Flexibility Development
3 sets 10 reps Barbell Sit-up to Press
3 x 30sec Head to Floor Straddle Stretch
3 sets x 5 reps Roll Back to Support/Toe Touch into Jiu Jitsu sit-up/Rolling Stand-up on both legs or Pistol stand w/one leg
3 x 30sec Couch Stretch or Modified couch Stretch on GHD
CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD:
3 rounds of:
600m run, rest 30 seconds
400m run, rest 15 seconds
200m run, rest 4 minutes
Good luck to Dustin Adair, Tim Frazier and Michael Little as they represent CFHSV this weekend in Miami, Fl. They will be competing in The Men’s RX Teams of 3 division at Wodapalooza, a CrossFit Games Sanctioned competition. Follow them on the leaderboard in the Men’s RX Teams of 3 division.
Also, good luck to Melody Adair as she competes on a team out of Birmingham in the Female Intermediate Teams of 3 Division and to our CFHSV athletes competing in The Wodapalooza Gauntlet on Thursday! Let’s go CrossFit Huntsville!
Follow them all on the leaderboard at wodapalooza.com and watch live feed at FloElite.com!