Masters Qualifer WOD #1 2014: 1 rep max clean In 15 minutes, build up to a 1RM clean Master’s Qualifier WOD #3 2014: 3 rounds for time of: 50 calorie row (50-59 years old 40 calories, 60+ 30 calories) 15 HSPU (50-59 2″ riser, 60+ 4″ riser) 50 double unders (50-59 40 reps, 60+ 30 reps) CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: Complete 6 rounds of the following for time:
10 Vertical Jumps
100m Prowler Push / Sled Drag
10 Burpees
REST 2:00
Afterwards, accumulate 100 sit-ups any style.