Come help us celebrate Robert Simmons as he and his family prepare to embark on a new and exciting adventure that will take them all the way to
Uijeongbu, Korea!
Robert has been a member of the CrossFit Huntsville community and staff for many years, and his presence in the gym will most definitely be missed!
Best of luck Robert!! We love you!
In Robert’s honor, we will be conducting… “The Firefighter Phantasm” In this workout you will be saving 5 lives! Each round complete equals one life saved, so it is a total of 5 rounds. If you move too slow, people will die. Gear up and Good Luck! Firefighter options for this WOD are: Fire Captain, Fire Lieutenant, Fire Sergeant WOD: 5 rounds for time of: 200m Firefighter sprint 10 Firefighter cross grip pull ups (Capt: shoulder to bar, Lt: chin over bar, Sgt: banded) 15 Firefighter stair climbs: box jumps/step ups (Capt: 24″, Lt; 24″/20″, Sgt: 20″/12″) 15 Firefighter axe grip KBS (Capt: 32/24, Lt: 24/16, Sgt: 16/12) 20m Firefighter body drag: walk a barbell (Capt: 185/125, Lt: 145/105, Sgt: 95/65) 5 Firefighter body board loads: power cleans (Capt: 185/125, Lt: 145/105, Sgt: 95/65) REMINDER: We will be having a regular WOD at 8am Our tribute WOD to Robert will start at 9am and conclude by 11am. Please be on time! 8am WOD: 25min AMRAP 5 pull ups 10 barbell push ups 15 back squats 95/65 20 ab mat unanchored sit ups