WOD: (for 8am and 9am classes) 1600m run 50 KBS 24kg/16kg 1000m row 45 WBS 20/14 10′ 800m run 40 pull-ups CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: 2 minute plank hold, then run 2 miles 10 mountain climber push-ups rest 7 minutes from the time the run is complete run 1 mile 15 burpees 60 second plank hold, then run 1 mile meet at Cross Country Course at 8amREMINDER! Bring a Friend WOD at 10am! You do not need to sign up on MBO. Please arrive early enough for your friend to have time to sign a waiver. If your friend will be using childcare, please make sure they arrive plenty early to fill out a waiver at the Matrix as well.Squat Therapy Workshop today at 11am! Please sign up on MBO to reserve your spot!