WOD: 6 minute AMRAP of: 5 hang squat snatch 95/65 RX+ 135/95 (55 and over 75/55) 10 push press 95/65 RX+ 10 HSPU rest 3 minutes 4 minute AMRAP of: 5 power snatch 95/65 RX+ 135/95 (55 and over 75/55) 10 over the bar lateral burpees rest 3 minutes and change weights 6 minute AMRAP of: 5 hang squat clean 135/95 RX+ 165/115 (55 and over 115/75) 10 push press 135/95 RX+ 10 HSPU rest 3 minutes 4 minute AMRAP of: 5 power clean 135/95 RX+ 165/115 (55 and over 115/75) 10 over the bar lateral burpees CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD:
Row 1000m
Rest 2:00
5 Rounds of:
Row 250m
12 No Push-Up Burpees
Rest 1:00
After the last round, rest 2:00 instead of 1:00, then…
Row 1000m
**Compare the 1000m rows. Strive to maintain a 10-15s variability.
meet at CFHSV at 8am
REMINDER: Rope Climbing Workshop Saturday at 11am!