WOD: A. Strict Press: 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 1 E3MOM B. 3 x 3 minute AMRAPs of: 3 muscle-ups OR 3 chest to bar pull-ups and 3 dips 6 sumo deadlift high pull 95/65 or 75/55 6 HSPU OR 6 strict press 95/65 or 75/55 rest 1 minute between each AMRAP; pick up where you left off for 1 total score C. Flexibility Training: 2×30 sec couch stretch or modified couch stretch 2×30 sec head to floor straddle stretch 2×10 sec back bridge/arch spend 3-5 minutes with favorite shoulder stretches CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD:
As a team relay, pull a loaded sled 800m.
“Workout Details”
The 800m will be split into two 400m laps.
Person A will begin dragging the sled while B and C run the 400m course and continue until they catch A. At that point, B will take over the sled drag while A and C run the 400m course and continue until they catch B. This cycle will repeat as many times as necessary until the sled has been dragged the total 800m.