WOD: A. 15 minutes to establish a 1RM strict press B. 4 minute AMRAP of: 10 HSPU or 10 dips or 10 ring push-ups 10 box jumps or step ups 24″/20″ rest 2 minutes 4 minute AMRAP of: 10 shoulder to overhead 75/55 or 95/65 or 115/80 or 135/95 30 double unders rest 2 minutes 2 minute AMRAP of: 5 HSPU or 5 dips or 5 ring push-ups 5 box jumps or step ups 24″/20″ rest 1 minute 2 minute AMRAP of: 5 shoulder to overhead 75/55 or 95/65 or 115/80 or 135/95 20 double unders *can mix up dips, HSPU and ring push-ups* C. Core Development Training: accumulate 1 minute L-sit hold on rings or parallettes accumulate 1 minute L-sit hold hang from bar CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: “After-Burner” For as long as possible: E(5:00)MOM – Run 800m
~Once you are no longer able to complete within the time cap, rest 2:00 and begin…~
E(3:00)MOM – Run 400m
~Once you are no longer able to complete within the time cap, rest 2:00 and begin…~
E(1:30)MOM – Run 200m
Accumulate 2:00 in a Hollow Hold Accumulate 2:00 in a Forward Lunge, L/R Accumulate 50 4-Count Flutter Kicks