Build Up to a 2RM Bear Complex (1 rep of the following in order) E3MOM x 5 Sets 1 Power Clean to 1 Front Squat or 1 Squat Clean to 1 Push Press or Jerk (split or power) or Thruster to 1 Back Squat to 1 Back Rack Push Press or Jerk (split or power) or Thruster and Repeat without resting bar on ground For Time: 25 Over The Bar Burpees 8 Bear Complexes 115/80 RX+ 135/95 MRX 95/65 150 Double Unders 6 Bear Complexes 15 Over The Bar Burpees 4 Bear Complexes 50 Double Unders 2 Bear Complexes
CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: 40:20 EMOM Training: 10 Rounds, rest 1 minute between rounds -Calories on the bike -Unanchored Ab-Mat Sit-Ups -Dumbbell Snatch, Alternating Please sign up on MBO to reserve your spot!