Warm-up: 3 Rounds: P1: 1 Minute row P2: 1 Minute AMRAP 6 Kettlebell swings, 3 Burpees Workout: 21-15-9 reps of: 95 pound Sumo deadlift high-pull 95 pound Overhead squat Dave Lipson 2:36, Kristan Clever 2:48 (65lbs), Michael Giardina 2:53, Jason Khalipa 2:53, Lance Cantu 2:58, Jeremy Thiel 2:59, Lucas Brainerd 3:07, Alex Rollin 3:15, Ken Gall 3:19, Rebecca Voigt 3:26 (65lbs), Camille Leblanc-Bazinet 3:33 (65lbs), Candice Ruiz 3:48 (65lbs). Post time to comments. Michael Giardina, Lucas Brainerd and Ken Gall on today’s WOD – video [wmv] [mov]