WOD: Complete the following for time of: 200m run 30 burpees 15 OHS 95/65 RX+ 135/95 (55 and over 75/55) 400m run 20 burpees 20 front squats 95/65 RX+ 135/95 (55 and over 75/55) 600m run 15 burpees 25 back squats 95/65 RX+ 135/95 (55 and over 75/55) 800m run 10 burpees 30 deadlifts 95/65 RX+ 135/95 (55 and over 75/55) REMINDER: The deadline to sign up for our In-House Team/Couples Competition is Wednesday, September 17th at 10am. Only a few spots left, sign up soon!