CrossFit Huntsville Barbells For Boobs, 2015 WOD: A. Front Squat: 12 – 9 – 7 – 5 – 4 E3MOM B. “Gimme a Break” by DB For Time: 21 thrusters 95/65 (MRX 75/55) 21 toes to bar 21 WBS 20/14 10′ (MRX 20/10 9′) 21 pull-ups 15 thrusters 95/65 (MRX 75/55) 15 toes to bar 15 WBS 20/14 10′ (MRX 20/10 9′) 15 pull-ups 9 thrusters 95/65 (MRX 75/55) 9 toes to bar 9 WBS 20/14 10′ (MRX 20/10 9′) 9 pull-ups BARBELLS FOR BOOBS! This Saturday, October 29th at 9AM. Help CrossFit Huntsville repeat as the Alabama State Fundraising Champions for the second year in a row!! Click here to make a donation! Join the CFHSV Team or just make a contribution on behalf of one of our team members. And don’t forget to wear PINK!