Congratulations to our Individual Quarterfinal Athletes for an awesome weekend representing themselves and CrossFit Huntsville!
Front Squats
4 Front Squats EMOM x 3 min
Rest 2min / add weight
2 Front Squats EMOM x 3 min
Rest 2min / add weight
1 Front Squat EMOM x 3 min
(from floor)
MainSite WOD (RX+)
5 Rounds For Time: (21min cap)
21 Calorie Row/Bike
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20” MRX 20/18”
1 Rope Climb 15’ RX+ Legless 15’ MRX 10’
Core & Pistol Development
20 Wallball Leg Lifts
20 Pistols Left Leg
20 Evil Wheels
20 Pistols Right Leg
20 V-Ups w/15/10lb plate
20 Kettlebell Goblet Hold Reverse Lunges (alt legs)