A. Strict press: 5 – 3 – 1 – 4 – 2 – 1 E2MOM B. 6 minute AMRAP of: 800m run 15 pull-ups or 2 rope climbs 15′ (MRX 2 rope climbs 10′ or 10 pull-ups) max reps shoulder to overhead 115/80 RX+ 135/95 (MRX 95/65) OR max reps handstand push-ups rest 2 minutes 4 minute AMRAP of: 400m run 10 pull-ups or 1 rope climb 15′ (MRX 1 rope climb 10′ or 5 pull-ups) max reps shoulder to overhead or max reps handstand push-ups rest 1 minute 3 minute AMRAP of: 200m run 10 pull-ups or 1 rope climb 15′ (MRX 1 rope climb 10′ or 5 pull-ups) max reps shoulder to overhead or max reps handstand push-ups *Score = total reps shoulder to overhead or handstand push-ups from all 3 AMRAPs