CrossFit Games WOD 2022 “Echo Press” based on
For Time: (14min cap)
30/25 Calorie Bike/Row or 600m Run
10 Handstand Push-Ups RX+Deficit 3.5/2in MRX 2/4” Rise
20/15 Calorie Bike/Row or 400m Run
10 Handstand Push-Ups RX+Deficit 3.5/2in MRX 2/4” Rise
20/15 Calorie Bike/Row or 400m Run
10 Handstand Push-Ups RX+Deficit 3.5/2in MRX 2/4” Rise
30/25 Calorie Bike/Row or 600m Run
Rest 2min from Time Cap
8 min to achieve Max Shoulder to Overhead (from floor)
Core, Shoulder & Handstand Development
5 Wall Walks
10 Hip Extensions
2 sets Handstand Walk 50′(progressions etc.)
25 Band Pull-Aparts
1 set Max Handstand Hold