Bench Press Build-up E3MOM
10 – 10 – 5 – 5 – 5
For Time Alternating Reps of: (21min cap)
10 – 12 – 14 – 16 – 18 – 20
Hang Clean 115/75 RX+155/105 MRX 75/55
20 – 18 – 16 – 14 – 12 – 10
Over the Bar Burpees
Core Development
20 Weight Plate Ground to Overhead 55/45 45/35 35/25
20 WallBall Russian Twists
20 Ball Slams (with slam ball) or 20 Calorie Ski Erg
20 WallBall Russian Twists
20 Weight Plate Ground Overhead 55/45 45/35 35/25
A. 155-175-205-215-225
B. 16:49 rx
C. 📚
Tyler G striking a stellar CrossFit pose! Tyler has the fitness prowess and resume that few have and he made the transition to CrossFit with humility and an eagerness to learn. He’s made some impressive gains is his strength, his skill, and the ability to hit the gas peddle and burn rubber. He’s a real renaissance man with talents, skills, and interests that are wide and varied…he was born for CrossFit. Keep Rollin my dude!
Tyler! Now that’s how you swing a kettlebell! This guy is a natural athlete and hasn’t missed a beat since stepping into CrossFit. I love watching this guy hit the pavement because he can literally fly around the parking lot. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree either… I have been lucky enough to coach both daughters at CrossFit Kids and they are amazing kids. Now that the oldest has graduated up to the big gym, it’s always a great day when Tyler, Katie and Bailey walk through the door. Families like this make CFHSV a better place!
A. Training
B. 12:54 rx
You smoked that workout 💨 Misty 💪🏼💪🏼🔥
9:10 RX+
A. 135-145-160-165-135
B. 16:31 Rx+
A. Modified to 5 x 10 dumbbell bench
B. 14:35 rx+
12:30 rx
9:58 Rx+
Tyler G looking absolutely picture perfect, hitting that standard with beautiful form and technique. Tyler has been a total pleasure since joining us at CFHSV, and it’s been awesome to see his natural athleticism and strong work ethic turn him into a solid CrossFitter in a relatively short time. He’s been open minded and very coachable from the start, and he’s most definitely improved his strength and skills while maintaining his impressive endurance. He runs like the wind and it’s always fun to see just how fast he comes through the door, even at the end of a tough WOD. He’s got a wonderful family, and we are proud to claim them all as CFHSV athletes!!! Keep it up, dude.
A. 85(10) – 95(10) – 105(5) – 115(5) – 125(5)
B. 10:44 RX+
11:10 RX+
15:05 rx
A: 155(10)-165(10)-185(5)-205(5)-185(5)
B: 12:24, RX
20:54 Rx (All cleans unbroken except round of twenty 10/6/4)
Bar Facing Burpees
12:47 rx