Benchmark WOD
21-15-9 Reps For Time: (15min cap)
Thrusters 95/65lbs MRX 75/55
Pull-ups MRX Ring Rows
Rest 5min
10 Rounds For Time: (15min cap)
3 Over the Bar Burpees
4 Toes to Bar
5 Hang Power Snatch 95/65 MRX 75/55
Flexibility Development
Spend 3min on Banded Shoulder Stretches
2x20sec Couch Stretch
2x20sec Head to Floor Straddle Stretch
Spend 3min on PVC Shoulder Stretches
2x20sec Butterfly Stretch
a) 4:58 Rx
b) 14:38 Rx
A. “Fran” 1:59 RX
B. 8:46 RX (85# HS)
7:18 & 9:56 rx
2023: 4:47
2019: 3:14
2018: 3:30
2017: 3:55
7:55 | 12:57 Rx
5:03 rx
Fran: 4:03 (first time unbroken)
spent 10 mins trying not to puke, then 14:08 rx on the wod
Nick Mc owning the bell! Nice shot of a focused Nick pulling off the difficult KB S2O. Nick is always ready with grit and humor to tackle what CFHSV puts in front of him. He’s made gains across the board because he’s shown up regularly and goes hard. Nick is a great guy who raises the property value the second he’s on site. Keep it up dude!
A1. 4:29 rx
A2. 11:46 rx
5:42 RX
7 rounds
2:13 rx PR
11:16 rx
3:38 Rx
12:26 Rx
2:17 Rx
7:34 Rx
2:07 RX
2023: 2:13 RX
2:33 Rx
6:50 Rx
Nick looking mean, repping out those kettlebell thrusters like a pro. Nick is a super nice guy who always shows up with a smile and a great attitude. He’s a solid athlete who moves well and strives to maintain good form and hit standards, and he’s always receptive to coaching a feedback. An all around good guy who is always a pleasure to have in class. Keep after it, Nick!
A. “Fran” 2:50 RX
B. 7:37 RX