3min EMOM x 4 sets = 12min
First Minute = 2 Strict Press to 4 Push Press to 3 Split Jerk (alt leg)
Second Minute = 2 Strict HSPU to 3-4 Kipping HSPU to 5-6 Push-Ups
Third Minute = REST
12min AMRAP:
3 Power Cleans 95/65 RX+ 135/95 MRX 75/55
4 Hang Cleans
5 Shoulder to Overhead
6 Barbell Push-Ups MRX Push-Ups
7 Over Box Jumps 30/24″ MRX 24/20″
*can jump over whole box, step on (if step, both feet have to touch top), using hands okay
Core Development
Accumulate 1min L-Sit HANG
30 GHD Sit-Ups or Anchored Weighted Sit-ups
30 Hollow Rocks