Warm-up: Row 250 meters then: 3 Rounds Wall 2 Wall Bear Crawl HIgh Kicks 10 Second Handstand Hold Workout: A. Build to a 1RM Snatch; Rest as needed between efforts B. Build to a 1RM Clean and Jerk; Rest as needed between efforts Powerlifting: A.Front Squat- Find a 1RM @30×0; Rest as needed between efforts B. Front Squat- 85% 1RM x 1 set AMRAP @30×0 C. Weighted dip- Find a 1RM @30×0 D. Max Rep ring dips x 1 set “Training With Champions: Part 6” with Mikko Salo and Dan Bailey,CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov] “One Size Does Not Fit All” with Oceanside CrossFit – video [wmv] [mov]